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Kyma 7 with Continuum Editor 8, what's the most stable connection solution?

+1 vote
After updating both to Kyma 7 and Editor 8, the connection between is always unstable. I use Kyma Connect as for the connecting. It used to working well before. But now, either no response or a note continuously triggered, or a note sustaining for a long long time.  So, I'm thinking if the Kyma Connect is the only choice? I prefer to have a physical connection slution for it. Then what's the most stable and easy solution for it? It;s really boring to take much time on this problem.
asked Apr 22, 2017 in Hardware & Interfaces by digimonk (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Check your MIDI assignments in both the Continuum Editor and KymaConnect. You should have but a single MIDI connection between the Continuum and your Paca(rana). If you have more than one then the Paca(rana) receives each MIDI message multiple times. This can cause missed notes or "hung" notes.

The Continuum Editor provides a MIDI connection "slot" named "Kyma". If you assign this to KymaConnect's "vPacarana" virtual MIDI port then the Paca(rana) is receiving MIDI from the Continuum. No other MIDI connection is needed between the Continuum and the Paca(rana). In particular, you should not also assign the Continuum's physical MIDI interface (usually the Mio interface) to a KymaConnect EXT MIDI slot. If you do then the Paca(rana) will receive the Continuum's MIDI twice.

The alternative way to connect the Continuum to the Paca(rana) is to assign the Continuum's MIDI port to one of KymaConnect's EXT MIDI slots. This automatically sends MIDI from the Continuum to the Paca(rana). However if you choose to use this set up it is essential that you leave the Continuum Editor's "Kyma" MIDI slot unassigned. 

Connecting through the Continuum Editor is the simpler configuration but it does require that you always have the Continuum Editor running when you are using the Continuum with Kyma. If you use the alternative of connecting only through KymaConnect's EXT MIDI slot then you can play a Kyma sound from the Continuum even when the Continuum Editor is not running.

This subject is discussed in more detail in this blog post:

answered Apr 22, 2017 by delora-software (Master) (5,660 points)
Hi, Douglas. Yes I tried exactly and strictly like that. It worked well when I replied mail to you. But still not stable at all after trying different sound in Kyma.  Either hang notes(the "m" is continuously there without flashing), or no any response from the fingerboard.....drives me crazy
Hi, Douglas. I tried figuring out where the trouble is from. It looks like from the Continuum editor. I tried simply connect the editor with Reaktor via an IAC Driver, it hangs notes still.
It is normal to see constant MIDI activity from the Continuum whenever it is operated with its editor. The Continuum and editor are constantly exchanging administrative MIDI messages. The messages sent by the Continuum are also received by the Pacarana. In my experience though the Pacarana ignores those messages if the Continuum has been properly placed in "Kyma Mode".
I have not tried the Continuum and Continuum Editor with Reaktor but I have used it with other MPE-compatible software instruments. This can be tricky because there is a lot of administrative MIDI traffic between the editor and the Continuum that is unrelated to playing the Continuum (for example it happens whenever you load a Continuum sound from the editor, and there is a constant "handshake" between the Continuum and the editor). This activity is on MIDI channel 16 and was causing playing errors in the MPE-compatible SW synth I was using. The only remedy that I found was to filter those messages before they reached the SW synth. This can be done with software like Max or Midi Pipe. I now always route Continuum MIDI through such a filter before sending to any software. However in my experience such filtering is unnecessary when used with Kyma through KymaConnect.
One additional comment. Be sure and deselect (uncheck) the option "Allow Expanded Polyphony" from the Continuum editor's polyphony setting. I have observed problems when using the Continuum with extra sound sources if the currently loaded Continuum preset has this option set.
If you open the MIDI log in Kyma (DSP>Configure MIDI>Show MIDI Messages), then play a single note on the Continuum, then you could check the log to confirm whether you are getting exactly one note-on and one note-off message.  If you see more than one, it could explain the stuck notes and reinforces Doug's suggestion that there may be two MIDI connection paths instead of one.
I did sort of tests. Seems Continuum Editor creates something by itself and hangs the notes and they are displayed on the editor window even there is no any extra MIDI in or out except itself's Mio connect.
Thank you so much, Douglas! It's done. Yeah you are right, after switching the Light Sensitivity into Medium level, all the problems gone. The system works properly now. For ensuring it, I did calibration then. And it all works well too. It's weird....but anyway, it works well now;-) Thanks again, Douglas! You are so kind.