Firewire host disconnected

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I was just updating my controller communication to OSC and my Pacarana disconnected from my computer.

With a restart of both the Pacarana and my new laptop which was successfully running Kyma+ and Mojave I am unable to make contact.

Not sure if this is the computer or the Kyma having the issue.

Can someone help we quickly? I'm about to go on tour.

asked Dec 30, 2019 in Hardware & Interfaces by anne-la-berge (Adept) (2,170 points)
I just changed ports on the computer and it connected.
Interesting problem. OSC overload shut down one of my USC-C ports.
Anyone else have this issue?
Is everything working now, using the alternate USB-C port on your computer?
Yes. I'll let you know if this happens again and see if I can replicate it. Maybe after the tour!

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