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kyma 7.04f0 midi input

0 votes

since the latest update to kyma 7.04f0 if have problems with my midi input. I am using ableton live (and push) and kymaconnect (all green, works fine) and have all keydowns and keynumbers detected (configure midi...), but the sounds donĀ“t get the information. sometimes I receive triggers when I set lives output channel to 2.

midioutput from kyma to live is working, playing keyboard on kymaconnect ipad-app also

what could I have done wrong, any ideas?

thank you very much for your help

best regards from vienna

asked Sep 28, 2015 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by siegmaraigner (Practitioner) (410 points)
Before you updated everything was fine?
best wishes from vienna as well :)
sorry but I haven't any issues with midi over kymaconnect, kyma (7.04f0) and ableton live 9.2.3b3. which os are you running? I'm on yosemite (10.10.5)
thank you very much for your reply:
before update everything worked fine.
I am working with the exact same setup except osx10.8

1 Answer

0 votes
hi, just figured it out.

for some reason the preferences where set to: continuum-compatible,

with disabling it everything works fine again.

sorry for the mess, hihi


answered Sep 30, 2015 by siegmaraigner (Practitioner) (410 points)
I was having the same issue and this fixed it for me too.  However, the issue was intermittent before that.  Even with Continuum compatibility switched in, MIDI would sometimes work as it should.  I have a Continuum and kept Kyma in Continuum mode all the time, but this was not a problem until very recently.