Sounds fom my KISS 2018 presentation

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    • Author: Mark Phillips
      • 2uploads
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    • Version: beta?
    • Views: 1017
    • File size: 2.13 MB
    • Downloads: 95
    • Updated: 21 September 2018
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  • Here are main sounds that I shared with during my presentation at KISS 2018 in Santa Cruz.

    1. unconventional ("unreliable") delay, using granular synthesis with very long grains (i.e. more than 1")
    2. My prototype for click-free granular synthesis with pitch-shifting of live input, by doing the pitch-shifting first, then the granulation (without pitch-shifting).
    3. My choppers (that stay in sync "forever") and with multiple levels of random control.
    4. Euclidean rhythmic machine with "chaotic" bass line.
    Topic Posts Last Poster Updated
    KISS 2018 - Mark Phillips' Sounds 1 BBelet 6 years ago