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Dijilin - a digital Benjolin-like instrument

Rick Stevenson
A generative instrument based on Rob Hordijk's Benjolin (once described as "a chaos synth with two oscillators, a filter and  Read More


Alan Jackson
A super clean pitch shifter. This Sound does phase aligned pitch shifting. By aligning the phase of the grains it gives  Read More

Asynchronous Looper

Rick Stevenson
A looper vaguely based on the Soma Cosmos with four asynchronous loops.  You can record and overdub to selected loops,  Read More

New on the Kyma 7 Forum

  • Reply To: KymaConnect 2 to be discontinued

    Hi – yep, I know it will continue to work until Apple breaks it – hahaha! I’ll send an email re: KC functions that are useful to me (and hopefully others!). Thanks!

  • Reply To: KymaConnect 2 to be discontinued

    Yes, we second Andrew’s praise for Kyma Connect — an extremely well-designed, useful and widely used application. We’re sorry to see it go while at the same time, we know […]

  • Reply To: KymaConnect 2 to be discontinued

    Sorry to hear this, as it’s in daily use here, but thank you for the many years of work on this! Are there any plans for SSC to implement and/or replace this extremely useful […]

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New Insights

  • Capytalk — a functional reactive programming language

    Capytalk is a Functional Reactive Programming Language that you can use to define interactions between internal or external data streams and Kyma Sound parameters. Reactive […]

  • Bart’s Melodic Sculptor Tutorial

    Introduction: I have developed this Kyma Sound over a yearlong time period to work specifically with melodic material as a sculptor might work with a raw slab of stone, the raw […]

  • Getting sound from Kyma onto a network

    There are several circumstances in which you might want to stream audio from your Paca(rana) onto a network, for example, you may want to: Share a Paca(rana) or a small number of […]

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