Recent Questions & Answers
- Answer selected: How do I have Replicator ignore elements in a Script (i.e., File Dialog Prompt)
I would put the Script to the right of the Replicator. If I understand you correctly, you want to read two arrays out of a single file, and assign each element of the array to its […]
- Commented: XenOscillator problems
Just checking again to see if there is any estimate for when problems with XenOscillator might be fixed. I’m currently stuck on a project … with deadline looming.
- Commented: latest version of Kyma 7..?
Kyma 7++ is for macOS 10.15 and newer. So you have the right version.
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New on the Kyma 7 Forum
- Reply To: KymaConnect 2 to be discontinued
Hi – yep, I know it will continue to work until Apple breaks it – hahaha! I’ll send an email re: KC functions that are useful to me (and hopefully others!). Thanks!
- Reply To: KymaConnect 2 to be discontinued
Yes, we second Andrew’s praise for Kyma Connect — an extremely well-designed, useful and widely used application. We’re sorry to see it go while at the same time, we know […]
- Reply To: KymaConnect 2 to be discontinued
Sorry to hear this, as it’s in daily use here, but thank you for the many years of work on this! Are there any plans for SSC to implement and/or replace this extremely useful […]
New on the Kyma Vimeo Channel
- Using sound to explore hydrogen bond dynamics during protein folding
Video summary for the paper: "Hydrogen bonding heterogeneity correlates with protein folding transition state passage time as revealed by data […]
- Pacamara explainer
- Pacamara launch
New Insights
- Capytalk — a functional reactive programming language
Capytalk is a Functional Reactive Programming Language that you can use to define interactions between internal or external data streams and Kyma Sound parameters. Reactive […]
- Bart’s Melodic Sculptor Tutorial
Introduction: I have developed this Kyma Sound over a yearlong time period to work specifically with melodic material as a sculptor might work with a raw slab of stone, the raw […]
- Getting sound from Kyma onto a network
There are several circumstances in which you might want to stream audio from your Paca(rana) onto a network, for example, you may want to: Share a Paca(rana) or a small number of […]
Latest Eighth Nerve News
- Kyma 7.43f6 features new Capytalk, new Sounds, faster app-switching
The latest Kyma 7 software update introduces new Sounds and Capytalk expressions to enhance the versatility of file-based, time-indexed sound design, […]
- Kyma developers at ADC in Bristol
Symbolic Sound co-founders Carla Scaletti and Kurt Hebel will be participating in the Audio Developer Conference in Bristol, UK 11-13 November 2024. […]
- VisitoR
Silvia Matheus will be performing with Kyma in Oakland California on 20 October 2024. A computer and electronic music composer, sound artist, and […]
Kyma International Sound Symposium
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