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  • Download Info

    • Author: Alan Jackson
      • 18uploads
      • 0questions
      • 0answers
    • Version: 22
    • Views: 796
    • File size: 219.06 kB
    • Downloads: 44
    • Updated: 4 January 2022
    • Categories:
  • KkVarislopeEnvelope

    The VarislopeEnvelope is a multi-stage envelope where the shape of each stage is independently configurable. The number of stages can be set and the levels and spacing of the envelope's points can be changed at run-time.

    A variable amount of overall smoothing can be applied to the envelope.

    The envelope can be triggered at sample rate and can cyclicly auto-retrigger.

    The envelope is bipolar and can output audio rate waves.

    Built by the Kyma Kata group including: Pete Johnston, Alan Jackson, Andreas Frostholm

    v 22.0

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