Home Forums Tips & Techniques GRM Tools Shuffling emulation


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  • #1072
    Hugues Claessens


      I’m a beginner trying to emulate the shuffling plugin from the GRM tools.. The first difficulty I’m facing is how to go about windowing alternatingly on the left and right channels of a stereo source. I’m thinking about using 2 “rhythmic envelope” prototypes whose wavetables would complement each other (half of a cycle zero then Gaussian and vice-versa) but I’m not sure about how to get there. I would also like to be able to modify the windows in real-time, from rectangular to gaussian (and smaller) for instance. Any help to get me on the right track would be appreciated…


        Here is a starting point for alternating left/right envelopes with changing envelope shape: download Sound here  The idea is to use two Oscillators, one 90 degrees out of phase with the other and join them in a ChannelJoin.

        Requires Kyma version 7.09f4 or newer.

        Hugues Claessens

          That’s a great help, many thanks!

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