iPad, Continuum, LinnStrument, Wacom tablet, Wii, MANTA, EigenHarp, Sound Plane, and more
For additional examples of live Kyma performances with unusual controllers, see the Kyma International Sound Symposium concert videos.
- Kyma Control quick demo
- Bar | None’s videos demonstrating use of OSC to control Kyma with:
- Jeffrey Stolet
- Between the Words for Kyma controlled by Wacom tablet
- Lariat Rituals for Kyma controlled by Gametrak
- Chi Wang
- Magic Fingers for Kyma and LeapMotion
- Sound Motion for Kyma and Kinekt
- Video experiments with a Wii remote (Wiimote), OSCulator, and Kyma:
- Clear Pathetic: Another live performance by Edmund Eagan, this time crossing a temple bell with the sound of a breathy vocal.
- Squeaky: An inexpensive violin and a rusty player supplied the four original tones. After Tau analysis, they were played realistically out of tune on the Continuum.
- Slide Kalimba: In this example, Edmund Eagan started with just two Kalimba notes, both the same pitch, one soft and one loud. He used the Tau formant-shifting to make that one frequency playable over a wide pitch range on his Continuum fingerboard. Here is another example, again played by Edmund Eagan: Tau Kalimba.
- Kurt Hebel’s Wacom demo video
- SlipStick Synthesis in Kyma: Sound synthesized using a physical model of friction (Continuum fingerboard controlling Kyma slipstick synthesis on Pacarana hardware)