Bart’s Kyma Tutorial B. The StepSequencer
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2016-05-11 08:15 #
To Stephen Taylor: You asked why the StartIndex-EndIndex span 7 values (0 through 6) while the sw01 thru sw06, starting as they do with a 1, not a 0, only span 6 values. The only thing I can say is that the reason, like so many things in Kyma, is because they work that way and don’t work when I match the EndIndex to the ExtraValues. Much of what I do in Kyma is seat-of-the pants experimentation. Whatever works is in, whatever doesn’t work is out. Sometimes you just have to Bart McLean |
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- Version: 1
- Views: 2447
- File size: 77.70 kB
- Downloads: 128
- Updated: 14 February 2016
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