Tutorials & Educational Resources (31)

Showing 1-31 of 31
  • Sonification Axis Spearcons
    Speech Synthesis voice recordings of common markers found in axes of graphs. Voice recordings for (re)creating axes in data sonifications.    Read More
    Notes : Speech Synthesis voice recordings of common markers found in axes of graphs. Voice recordings for (re)creating axes in data sonifications.
    Jon Bellona
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    36 downloads Details
  • Embedded Markers as Audio Triggers
    Updated version! Leverage embedded markers in audio files to create an array of time stamps that can be used inside "tripWires:    Read More
    Notes : version 1.2.
    Jon Bellona
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  • Binaural Granulation
    This Sound does granulation of either a live or a recorded binaural source. I've included a binaural recording in case    Read More
    Will Klingenmeier
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  • shukhurchi + surj (live granulation drone)
    A straightforward, noisy, warbly, grain drone subject to your live input. I built this sound step-by-step in a tutorial and    Read More
    Will Klingenmeier
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  • MIDI Time Bender
    Modulations into the MIDI Time Index Various modulations.
    Roland Kuit
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  • From Pen to Finger
    Transforming a Wacom Pen to Finger control. Here the JdJ sound PEN: 4 gran pans is used as a starter.      Read More
    Roland Kuit
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  • KISS2019 Ambisonic Workshop v. 1.5
    Version 1.5 - Fixed the example ambisonic recording and choose LowerCost in BinarualPanner setting. This is the material from KISS2019 Ambisonic    Read More
    Allen Wu
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  • Modal Atonal Microtonal StepSequencer Idea
    A 16 step sequencer with 7 greek modes, some atonal and some microtonal capabilities. It's more of a starting point    Read More
    Notes : I made a YouTube video tutorial of the making of this sound. It's rather laborious to type all these expressions and/or copy paste so here's the sound itself.
    Will Klingenmeier
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  • Encapsulation Walkthrough
    The files provide a current walkthrough of encapsulation that supplements existing documentation.  Full documentation currently at: https://jpbellona.com/kyma-encapsulation/    Read More
    Notes : Initially used for Data Sonification course at University of Oregon (Winter 2019)
    Jon Bellona
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  • Convert single column Data Text File(s) into mono Audio File(s)
    Two Kyma Scripts to convert first column of data file(s) (e.g. .txt) into audio file(s) (amplitudes as samples). Each row    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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  • Pen & Finger controls tester
    Wacom Pen and Finger controls tester
    Roland Kuit
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  • WireFrames Library: Reference Documentation
    This is a book about the Library we have just published. The library itself is available here http://www.cristianvogel.com/neverenginelabs/product/wireframes-library.    Read More
    Cristian Vogel
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  • Ring Modulated Filter Feedback Trick
    Old trick from the analogue modular synthesis field. Here with Sequencer.
    Roland Kuit
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  • Thumb Beat Repeat
    Beat Repeater is a Sound that manipulates the wet, dry, and feedback gains of a simple delay line. When on, the    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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    106 downloads Details
  • Thumb FM controlled by sequenced spectrum
    Changed Symbolic Sound Spectrum FM patch
    Roland Kuit
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  • Thumb Control FM Oscillators with a Spectrum
    Use a spectral analysis to control the parameters of several frequency-modulated oscillators. An example of a more general pattern    Read More
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  • Bart's Kyma Tutorials Part D: Spectrum Concepts
    This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart’s Kyma Tutorials D: Spectral Concepts.    Read More
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  • Record Control Signals in Parallel with Audio
      The Sound uses CapytalkToSound, which helps synchronize control signals with audio recordings (for installations or collaborations where a Paca is unavailable).    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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  • Thumb Complexity Lab Gallery (The Book)
    The Complexity Lab was launched in July 2015. It ran for one year developing advanced sound designs exclusively for Kyma.    Read More
    Cristian Vogel
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  • Reading CSV in Kyma: Part 2
    The files are simple examples of how to integrate TSV files into Kyma MIDI Scripts. These files partner the Insights    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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  • Bart's Kyma Tutorials C: Generating Patterns
    This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart's Kyma Tutorials C: Generating Patterns Outside the StepSequencer.      Read More
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  • Bart's Kyma Tutorial B. The StepSequencer
    This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart's Kyma Tutorial B, the StepSequencer.    Read More
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  • Bart's Kyma Tutorial A. Getting things sounding, organized and uncluttered
    This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart's Kyma Tutorial A. That tutorial was developed to try to bring help to    Read More
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  • Ecosystemic Programming Examples
    Example Sound File for Ecosystemic Programming article
    Scott Miller
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  • Thumb FM Tutorial
    Thoughts on FM: behind the algorithms Files for the FM tutorial 1.    Read More
    Roland Kuit
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  • NeverEngine Labs
    About NeverEngine Labs™ …study Kyma by ear and by example from a growing library of original content …get inspired by the high    Read More
    Cristian Vogel
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  • Reading CSV in Kyma: Part I
    The files are first in a two-part series for working with CSV files inside of Kyma. This file deals with    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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  • Thumb Spectral Processing Basics
    For those who are interested, here's the link to the recording of my live broadcast on Spectral Processing Basics as    Read More
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  • Cristian Vogel Professional Kyma Coaching
    I offer professional Kyma coaching, consulting and sound design services. My studio is based in Copenhagen and I have a decade    Read More
    Cristian Vogel
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  • Kyma at the University of Oregon
    The University of Oregon School of Music and Dance offers an array of music technology courses.  At the center of    Read More
    Jeffrey Stolet
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  • Scott's Intro Synth Sounds
    These Sounds are the basis of what I use to introduce Kyma and teach introductory, undergraduate synthesis at St. Cloud    Read More
    Scott Miller
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