Kyma Kata PitchShiftTimeStretch

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  • This version has been superceded by V5.1 in the KkPitchShiftTimeStretch Bundle which has more smoothness.


    A live stereo, pitch shifting time stretching and time squeezing effect.

    The Sound uses a memory buffer to stretch into and squeeze from. If you want to squeeze time you've got to stretch first or be patient and wait for the buffer to fill from the live signal.

    You can use large buffer sizes! We've tested this on a 2GB pacarana with 15 minutes in stereo. That will give you at least 15 minutes of stretching time at the slowest stretching rate.  Just to emphasize what this means. You could take your live input from a microphone and at an interesting moment stretch out the audio signal to a thousandth of the original speed, without changing pitch, and keep that going for 15 minutes.

    It has a variable grain window size that lets you get interesting effects.

    It can also stretch backwards! (Don't ask me how. It hurts my head just thinking about it). Just set the StretchRate to a negative number.




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