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  • in reply to: general guidance/sons du jour, etc #2387
    Alan Jackson


      That’s exactly the kind of thing we’d enjoy discussing and going through in the Kata. You’d be welcome to get in touch with me through the link SSC posted.

      Alternatively you can fill in the kata sign up sheet

      – Alan


      Alan Jackson

        Oh yes we’re still doing the Kyma Kata meet-up every Tuesday at 12:00 and 20:00 UK time!

        in reply to: Capytalk ‘nil’ #1976
        Alan Jackson

          Ah, maybe you could simplify that a little by not popping the value off the stack when assigning it to the EventVariable like:

          | ev |
          ev := EventVariable new initialValue: 0.
          ?freeze true: (ev <~ ( (?BackNForth + 1) * ?grainSize )) false: (ev)
          in reply to: Capytalk ‘nil’ #1975
          Alan Jackson

            Yikes. I’ve used the false: nil  expression a lot in the past kind of assuming it meant “if false don’t do anything”, but now I come to think about it the expression has to return something. It’s always worked fine when I’ve used it but I think I’ve been lucky!

            I guess a way to use this reliably is to use an EventVariable, assign the new value to the EventVariable in the true: clause, put nil in the false: clause, put a comma after the expression then explicitly return the EventVariable.

            Something like:

            | ev |
            ev := EventVariable new initialValue: 0.
            (?freeze true: (ev <+ ( (?BackNForth + 1) * ?grainSize )) false: (nil)),


            Is that the best way?

            Alan Jackson

              Hi Marco,


              Yes! There is one tonight Tuesday 5th November (20:00 UTC).

              We’re doing one every Monday (12:00 UTC) and every Tuesday (20:00 UTC).

              If you sign up using this form I’ll invite you to the kata slack channel.





              in reply to: The Kyma Kata Continues… #1668
              Alan Jackson

                Hi David,

                Yes it is! We’ve had 53 katas since January. We’re generally having two a week on Monday and Tuesday.


                Sorry for the delay getting back to you.




                Alan Jackson

                  The next Kyma Kata is Wednesday 13th Feb 2019, 20:00 – 22:00 GMT / UTC.

                  Sign up here

                  Alan Jackson


                    The next Kyma Kata is Monday 28th Jan, 20:00 – 22:00 GMT / UTC.

                    Sign up here


                    Alan Jackson

                      We had another Kyma Kata last Tuesday (15th January) and it was a blast. I think we all learnt something, I did at least.

                      We’re doing it again this week! Tuesday 22nd January at 20:00 – 22:00 UCT (& GMT).

                      Sign up here  and I’ll add you to the slack group and email you the link to the hangouts.


                      Alan Jackson

                        We had a Kata last Tuesday (the 8th) and it was excellent. I had a great time and I think we all learnt something.

                        So we’re doing it again! Next Tuesday, 15th January, 20:00 – 22:00 UCT. 

                        If you’re not already on the email list or slack group sign yourself up using this form and we’ll add you.


                        Alan Jackson

                          Hi Anders,

                          That’s great! It’s going to be on Tuesday the 8th of January. I just wanted to make sure you got the date right.

                          Alan Jackson

                            We had the inaugural Kata meet-up on Monday. It went really well. Well enough to convince me there’s definitely something here worth pursuing.

                            There were only a couple of us on the call (Charlie and I). Because there were only a couple of us we didn’t feel we had to stick to the structure and it was more of a collaboration.

                            What I learnt from the experience:

                            • I enjoyed it
                            • I learned heaps in a short time
                            • It encouraged me to learn about an area (conforming to scales) that I had wanted to for ages but had resisted starting.
                            • Screensharing really works. There may be better tools than Google Hangouts, but that worked well enough.
                            • You need 2 hours for this kind of event.

                            So there’s going to be another!

                            Tuesday 8th January at 8pm – 10pm GMT/UTC,

                            Fill in the sign-up form if you want to come:

                            Kyma Kata #2 sign-up form


                            And if that event goes well this will probably turn into a regular weekly thing, possibly alternating between Monday UTC 10:00 and Tuesday UTC 20:00.

                            Will, I think the Slack channel is a great idea. I’ll sort that out.



                            Alan Jackson

                              Hi Aaron,

                              Fantastic! Thanks for your enthusiasm!

                              Alan Jackson

                                in reply to: Kyma day in London! #1223
                                Alan Jackson

                                  It was great to catch up with everyone.

                                  Charlie, those ideas for the upcoming events sound great.

                                  I’d be up for doing some practical collaborations, co-learning or skill swapping even more often than that, at weekends or evenings if anyone’s up for that. Charlie, you mentioned you might be up for some more smaller scale meet-ups at your excellent space. I thought I’d start a doodle to see if anyone’s interested…



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