Subscriptions & Third-Party Libaries (6)
Showing 1-6 of 6
WireFrames Library
The NeverEngineLabs WireFrames library for signal computing in Kyma, is currently available for FREE or Pay What You Like. WireFrames is a powerful library of modules which work together to open a new approach for signal processing in Kyma. Expand your possibilities and your mind with new workflows and concepts. Includes more than 80 new prototypes with full documentation and examples. Read More
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NeverEngine Labs StepSequencer ( now GlobSeq 2019)
JAN 2019 This Sound has now evolved into the more advanced Sequencer Specification Tool called GlobSeq, which is being sold commercially at The user guide to GlobSeq which touches on SmallTalk and CapyTalk programming in general, is available for free at Read More- 19uploads
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Professor Braff's RC from NeverEngine Labs
The team at the Rhythmic Computation Lab of NeverEngine Labs have developed an advanced morphing rhythmic computer that brings much needed feel and groove to Euclidean and non-Euclidean beat computation. The Classes and Sounds for Kyma 7 are based on pioneering work concerning the geometry and mathematics of rhythm phrasing and groove by acclaimed Swiss Jazz pianist Malcolm Braff. Malcolm and NeverEngineer Gustav Scholda co-developed a custom Class and visualiser tool exclusively for Kyma 7 which is now available to all subscribers of the RC Lab, as well as a number of examples. I still can't attach a screenshot to my uploads at the Q&A - hopefully SSC will fix that soon! But here you can see the VCS of a 4 voice drum computer that uses four Professor Braff RC v1.7 to compute the groove and phrasing of four percussive samples. I designed a VCS with lots of colour, and alongside the Braff Visualiser tool, there's a strong personality emerging from this machine. The morph fader and its related smoothing (in beats) allows you to move smoothly betweem the top and the bottom sequence of durations - they represent warped durations in beats, of a phrase that adjusts itself continuosly to the variables of the phrase sequence. Its a brand new approach, similar but far from conventional step sequencing - the best way to get a feel for how to program this machine is to work with the visualiser tool open, and see the beat geometry transforming. The Sound is also special because it pioneers an amazing approach that Gustav came up with exploring the mysterious 'MultiplexableSoundToGlobalController' in the Kyma 7 prototypes. Using this technique, one set of widgets controls all four sequencers. The selector switches at the top will 'flip pages' - it's really the first I have ever seen such an easy to use GUI for multiple sequencers in Kyma. Not forgeting to mention the amazing beats coming out (click here to hear)! Also, completely unique - I have never heard such morphing, grooving rhythms from any software or hardware. Once again, many thanks to Malcolm Braff and our very own master NeverEngineer Gustav Scholda for bringing the freshest beat machines exclusively to Kyma 7. Read post here Read More
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NeverEngine Labs
About NeverEngine Labs™ …study Kyma by ear and by example from a growing library of original content …get inspired by the high quality of what you see and hear …pick up advanced techniques in Capytalk, VCS design and performance possibilities …socialise with fellow Kyma practictioners NeverEngine Labs is a creative commercial initiative for Kyma users at all levels. These virtual “Labs” can be subscribed to on a monthly or annual basis, each focusing on developing different areas of the Kyma universe, in an open workshop style environment. This is achieved using a powerful team devlopment tool called 'Slack' and a file sharing system called 'Dropbox'. The Labs aim to foster creative ideas for music composition and sound design in Kyma Seven, and to help users get more perspectives on what this powerful system is capable of. Many of the Kyma designs, and indeed the Labs themselves, are not intended to be fixed in their function (like plug-ins or presets are). As a subscriber, you are encouraged to deconstruct and recombine the Sounds and their inner elements and use what you learn in your own work. Don’t expect to get it all straight away! You will find no instruction manuals, but instead our live communication channels dedicated to discussion around the content of each Lab and regular file updates with brief notes. All in all, subscribing to a NeverEngine Lab means less conventional study, open expectations and a lot of listening, curiosity and company ( by the way – its also ok to enjoy the Sounds on your own, at your own pace! ) As mentioned above, a subscription entitles you to access all the NeverEngine Labs Slack channels. Slack is a free and powerful tool for communication: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. Cristian Vogel, the founder of NeverEngine Labs, co-developer Gustav Scholda and other participants will be reachable there all the time. You are invited to discuss anything related to the Labs or your own work and to contribute ideas, sounds and more in a lively and fast changing environment. Certainly a valuable resource to have, alongside the official Kyma Q&A forums. Read More
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SurfaceDust Ambience Maker (NeverEngineLabs)
Happy New Year 2016 from NeverEngineLabs. This simple sound is taken from the SpectralLab suite and generates noisy textures from a looping sample. It demonstrates how to build an Array of independent random walks and adds it to a synthetic spectrum which controls the amps and frequencies of a 32 partial filterbank. Also demonstrates correct embedded VCS layouts. Come and see what we're up to ! Read More
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Pasiphae Bells (NeverEngineLabs)
Pasiphae is a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter. It was discovered in 1908 by Philibert Jacques Melotte and later named after the mythological Pasiphaë, wife of Minos and mother of the Minotaur from Greek legend. If you love the Sound come and see what we are up to at Read More
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