Kyma Tools (10)

Showing 1-10 of 10
  • Embedded Markers as Audio Triggers
    Updated version! Leverage embedded markers in audio files to create an array of time stamps that can be used inside "tripWires:    Read More
    Notes : version 1.2.
    Jon Bellona
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    39 downloads Details
  • Genetic Algorithm Tool
    This tool implements an algorithmic composition technique based on Genetic Algorithms as originally developed by John Holland.  It does not    Read More
    John Mantegna
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  • Quad-Graphical Envelope
    Tool with 4 graphical ADSR envelopes which modify the desired EventValues in real time. Maximum Value of the Attack/Delay/Release stages    Read More
    Domenico Cipriani
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  • First order ambisonic encoder/decoder 2.5a
    ** For more information about how to build or adjust ambisonic tools, please download the tutorial over here: These are    Read More
    Allen Wu
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    85 downloads Details
  • Convert single column Data Text File(s) into mono Audio File(s)
    Two Kyma Scripts to convert first column of data file(s) (e.g. .txt) into audio file(s) (amplitudes as samples). Each row    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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    36 downloads Details
  • Simulated Annealing Tool
    This tool implements an algorithmic composition technique based on simulated annealing.  Simulated annealing belongs to a class of probabilistic  algorithms    Read More
    John Mantegna
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    37 downloads Details
  • Thumb Kyma Pong
    Play Carla vs. Kurt in an exciting Pong game :D
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  • Concatenate A Folder of Files into One Audio File
    "Concat A Folder" Sound takes a folder of audio files and concatenates them all into one long audio file. This    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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    81 downloads Details
  • ASCII keyboard tool (keypad.pci)
      keypad.pci is a Kyma Tool that converts the Qwerty computer keyboard into Hot Values inside Kyma. The two Hot Values    Read More
    Jon Bellona
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    32 downloads Details
  • Thumb Sound Examples for LinnStrument
    Examples that can be played on the LinnStrument (or other expressive controller).  Includes Sounds for switching on/off the LinnStrument LEDs    Read More
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