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Undo when editing a sound

0 votes
Is there really only one undo in the sound editor or am I missing something?
asked Mar 28, 2016 in Using Kyma by marius-egenes (Practitioner) (390 points)

1 Answer

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At any time, you can select Revert from the Action menu to drop all changes made to a Sound and its parameters since it was last saved. 

It's also easy to save snapshots of your progress by doing a saveAs from time to time so you also maintain a history of the Sound's development in your Sound file.


answered Mar 28, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Hi Marius,

You may possibly be doing some of these already but I would add that dragging objects into a .kym file is a great way of 'backing up' a segment you might chose to edit. Obviously you need to be on your toes and do this before you edit it ;)

I also keep a text file open to copy and paste code snippets - this helps work around the lack of an undo history.
