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Under what conditions can I rename a file without disastrous results?

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I recently completed a Timeline containing lots of Sounds, Samples, Caches, etc.  As is often the case, I wanted to change the title of the piece after completion. And so I changed the name of the overall folder containing its TImeline, Sounds, Samples, and Caches to reflect this new name.  I left the actual Timeline name as it was. When I tried to play the TImeline, it would not play and Kyma hung up with the jittering watch symbol.  I had to force quit Kyma, go into the Finder, and revert back to the original folder name. Upon rebooting Kyma, all was normal. I understand the basic principle behind my problem, which is that Timelines are just a bunch of markers which point to certain folders, one of which I renamed and made unrecognizable.


Question: Under what conditions can one rename existing folders and files without danger of confronting this problem?  Are  we forever stuck with the names we originally saved them under?  Are there some general rules that I can follow when renaming an existing file or folder safely?
asked Jul 7, 2016 in General by bartonmclean (290 points)

1 Answer

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One safe way to rename might be to put your folder inside another folder and give the outer folder the name you want.

The Timeline caches are the tricky bits.  All other files should be findable (or worst case, Kyma will ask you to locate them).
answered Jul 8, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)