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Does a Timeline have EventValues?

0 votes

After years of having Timelines suggested as a possible solution to some of the ideas we cook up, I've started considering them. smiley

So, are there "native" global hot parameters / event values that can be set for an entire timeline, like play, stop, pause, resume, rewind, fastforward, jump, etc?  I'm thinking about using Python / OSC to control a timeline.


asked Aug 1, 2016 in Sound Design by kevin-cole (Adept) (1,050 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You could put markers into your Timeline and send ProgramChange messages (or the OSC equivalent) to jump to arbitrary markers at arbitrary times.

If you do not have a predetermined ordering of events, you might also consider the Multigrid as an alternative.  In the Multigrid you could activate different combinations of Sounds at arbitrary times.  Wondering whether this might fit your model more closely than a Timeline would?
answered Aug 2, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)