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Is there an up to date list of keyboard shortcuts?

+1 vote
I found this list:

but it looks like it's for Kyma X instead of Kyma 7.

the logic of ctrl+drag, the first item, seems reversed for me.
ctrl+J doesn't seem to do anything,
asked Sep 14, 2016 in Using Kyma by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
Thanks, we're working on an updated list of shortcuts in response to your report.
Any movement on this? I'd also like it.
What's the most updated Keyboard Shortcut list for Kyma 7 available?

1 Answer

+2 votes

This isn't exactly what you asked for,  it's not a definitive updated list of official keyboard shortcuts, but here's some ones that come to mind.

Flow editor:
You can now navigate the flow with the arrow keys (yay!)
Shift+enter: Opens / closes the parameter pane of a Sound
Capslock+shift+enter: Opens parameter pane in "text" mode allowing ?ParameterVariables to be entered into all fields including check-boxes etc.

Parameter pane:
in a sample / wavetable parameter
shift+click the disk button: get info about the file
cmd or ctrl +click the disk button: open the file in the sample editor
shift + cmd or ctrl +click the disk button: audition the file

In a VCS that doesn't fit in the window you can scroll about by shift+ctrl click and drag with the mouse (actually it seems to be shift + cmd, ctrl or alt). 

You can discover many keyboard short cuts by looking for them in the menu entries.

DIY shortcuts:

The mac's keyboard settings lets you make keyboard shortcuts for any unique menu item in an application. I would strongly recommend using that to add shortcuts to your favourite commands. The mappings I use are as follows:

As suggested to me by Charlie Norton, I use the "power claw" key combination which is ctrl+alt+cmd, hence forth called The Claw (in a deep menacing voice)!

claw+A: My Custom Prototypes .kym file window
claw+B: Browser (at the root of the disk)
claw+C: Collect
claw+D: DSP window
claw+E: Edit class

claw+H: Unlock VCS for editing (via BetterTouchTool)
claw+I: Set Replaceable Input
claw+J: Describe Sound
claw+K: Browser at kyma's system folder
claw+L: Open large editor window and grow font (via BetterTouchTool, not needed so much now we can set font)
claw+M: Browser at my own kyma Sounds folder
claw+N: New class from example
claw+O: Oscilloscope
claw+P: The prototypes window

claw+R: Remove VCS Layout
claw+S: My default text editing window

claw+U: Clean up
claw+V: Copy contents of current parameter and paste in the next parameter (via BetterTouchTool)
claw+W: My default Working.kym file window

claw+Y: My "why" notebook file - kind of like a todo, it reminds me where I'm at.
claw+Z: Status window
claw+0: My "zero" .kym window. An empty file I use for copying and pasting, useful with many windows open.

shift+cmd S: Save as
shift+cmd R: Virtual control surface
shift+cmd V: Paste special...
shift+claw+R: Record to disk
shift+claw+V: Copy parameter and paste into previous parameter (via BetterTouchTool)

Window sizing and placement:
Using the Moom app I've also got a set of standard window sizes and positions I map to keys like claw+left etc so I can make Kyma's windows tile nicely. 


answered Apr 22, 2020 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
Thanks so much!!

I was using Karabiner..


I have just bought the Moom app now..


I have just discovered that Moom paired with my Streamdeck is the way to rule Kyma's GUI for once and for all!  :)

Thanks so much Alan-Jackson,
