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Is Kyma compatible with the MOTU LP32?

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579 views asked Mar 27, 2017 in Hardware & Interfaces by malcolm-braff (Practitioner) (770 points)
it's not a firewire interface, so if it's compatible you won't get more than 2 channels.. nice interface though!
aaa too bad! thanks for the answer! do you know of a firewire interface that would do light pipe only? I'd like to link my paca and my pacarana (but no wormhole)
I have used Behringer u-control UCA202 usb interface to get 8 channels ADAT out of Paca. It's got no lightpipe input though. Could that help?

TCelectronic's ImpactTwin is good FW-interface for 8/8 ADAT I/O and ok price.
How did you get 8 channels out of SPDIF?
been searching for that for a long time, afaik the motu impact twin is the smallest / cheapest..

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