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K-Mix Performance Mixer

0 votes
I've been looking at the Keith McMillen Instruments K-Mix Performance Mixer:

It looks like it would be a great digital interface/performance mixer for a Kyma system. How possible/likely would it be to have this on the list below anytime soon?

asked Apr 24, 2017 in Hardware & Interfaces by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,260 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
With USB interfaces, the Paca(rana) can work with stereo at up to 48 khz sample rate. Unfortunately, the K-Mix has many more input and output channels, so it will not work as an audio interface for the Paca(rana).
answered Apr 26, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)
Doh! I've only owned firewire interfaces, so I never noticed that all the USB interfaces on that page were listed at only 2 channels.