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which folders can I get rid off in the overall Kyma 7 folder?

0 votes
Having all my samples and sounds in two big folders, I would like to shift all the 3d party samples, sets of spectra sets of samples etc... into these two.
asked Mar 25, 2015 in General by bruno-liberda (120 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
We recommend that you leave the Kyma 7 folder as is.  That makes it possible for us to update the Kyma Sound Library and supporting files.  We also recommend that everyone keeps their own work (Sounds, Timelines, Multigrids, samples, spectra, etc) in a different folder the same way you have done.  Expect that the contents of the Kyma 7 folder can change with each update (improvements, fixes, additions) meaning that it is better to keep your work in a different folder.
answered Mar 25, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Does that make searching, rolling the dice, etc more difficult?  Could you put the Kyma 7 Folder and your own personal folder into a larger KYMA folder?
Yes, it is safe to put the Kyma 7 Folder and your own personal folder into a larger Kyma folder.

It is also safe to put your files inside a folder inside the Kyma folder, as long as the folder has a unique name (for example, it includes your name or project name).

You can help Kyma locate the files quickly by adding the folder containing the files to the Frequently Used Folders in the Preferences in Kyma.