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Motu MK3 Ultralite stop working with last Kyma 7 update

0 votes

Since the last update of Kyma 7 my Motu MK3 Ultralite ceases to play audio. Nor Kyma nor the audio driver report any error. Simply no audio to the speakers. Any hint?

System: MacOSX 10.7.5 with last Kyma version.


asked May 25, 2017 in Hardware & Interfaces by luis-aly (Practitioner) (570 points)
Further notice: tested my setup with OSX El Capitan and it ran perfectly. Maybe a OSX 10.7.5 issue?

Hi Luis, How did you test it under El Capitan, by moving it to a different Mac?

Yes I move Kyma into another Mac under El Capitan and all the setup ran perfectly.
Hi Luis, We use the MOTU UltraLite and did not see any issues with the recent Kyma 7 update, so it may be that something else is going on. Do you see the UltraLite in the DSP status and is it selected as the Audio Input and Audio Output?
When you click Configure>Route Outputs, are the output channels routed to the channels where your speakers are connected?

Thanks for your quick answer.
Yes I see the Ultralite in the DSP status as its Inputs and Outputs. Also the routing from the software to the hardware is correct. The thing is that when I compile any Sound I do not see any indication of volume out in the Ultralite.
Did you tested with OSX 10.7.5?

Thanks for your help.
The Mac OS should not impact the audio interface.  Have you used that same Mac successfully before? (We don't have a machine with such an old operating system on it any more).
You could try doing a factory reset on your UltraLite.
Could you please send a screenshot of your Route Outputs matrix from the DSP status?
 "The thing is that when I compile any Sound I do not see any indication of volume out in the Ultralite." Do you see an indication of volume in the DSP Status inside Kyma?

I did a factory reset on UltraLite. Not working.
Yes I see the indication of volume in the DSP Status inside Kyma but no indication of volume in the UltraLite.
What address can I use to send you the screenshot? (I am sure that the routings are OK).
Update report: change to a MacBookPro under El Capitán and the problem persists. With an iMac under El Capitán the problem is solved and I hear audio (so no hardware problem).
Results from the tests report this connection problem only seems to exist in MacBookPro (tested two different MacBookPro).

Do you think it´s possible to downgrade to the previous version ok Kyma 7 to check if the problem persists?

Thank you
Luis, are you relying on bus power for the MOTU?  (This is not recommended, as different computers provide different amounts of bus power.  Please use the external power supply brick that MOTU provides).
Yes I am using a power supply brick.
Also already sent to support email the System report of my MBP with UltraLite connected, although since the audio driver is not installed it does not appear. Should it be?


1 Answer

+2 votes
It turns out that Luis had a bad FireWire cable.
answered Jun 10, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)