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USB - BLU link - Dante connection

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I'm need to integrate Kyma in to BSS BLU link or Dante network

Do you know about BSS BLU-USB interface compatibility. Can Kyma work in 8-ch operation mode (USB Class 2) or only in 2-ch (Class 1)?

Do you know any other way of integration Kyma 8-ch i/o in Dante or BLU link network.

Thank you
asked Nov 13, 2017 in Hardware & Interfaces by pavel-doreuli (140 points)

1 Answer

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The USB on the back of the Paca(rana) is 2-ch (Class 1).

Could you use something like the Focusrite Rednet A16-R to get 8 channels of analog audio over to the Dante network?

Alternatively, you could use a supported audio interface that has ADAT and connect it to another audio interface connected to your Dante or BLU network.

answered Nov 13, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
It’s clear with ADAT, or other 1->1 interface connect.
With BLU-USB it was much more elegant solution((
Thank you for answer!