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MIDI control of Multigrid Tracks / Feature Request

0 votes

It would be fantastic to select the MIDI channels to control each Multigrid Track, just as in the Timeline.

would it be possible?

thanks a lot and greetings from the foggy Veneto.

asked Nov 14, 2017 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by domenico-cipriani (Master) (3,110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

To activate a Sound in a Multigrid track via MIDI program changes:

  1. Click the Grid layout button
  2. Ctrl+Click on the track name (above the radio buttons with the Sound names)
  3. Map that control to MIDI>0-based Program Change (the program number corresponds to the slot number of the activated Sound)
  4. Ctrl+Click again to select the MIDI channel for that control

To send MIDI continuous controllers and note events on a specific channel to a specific Sound in the Multigrid, edit that Sound and add a MIDIVoice as the rightmost Sound in the signal flow. Then you can set its channel and polyphony of the MIDIVoice.

Hope that helps. Thanks from a sunny (today) Champaign!

answered Nov 14, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)