Encapsulation of Sound to Global Controller Confusion.

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I was searching around for an Audio to Gate/Trigger solution, I decided that all the other solutions were far too complicated and that I should have a go at making a nice simple version. I have made a patch which perfectly suits my current needs. It is attached. It uses an Equality and a STGC. Now, the issue comes when I try to encapsulate my little beauty. I am pretty sure it is because I don't actually know what I am doing and am making it up as I go along.


I have removed all arithmetic (as far as I understand) but am not sure how to proceed.

I am missing something fundamental regarding the encapsulation of STGC as I am having similar problems on another sound.

The sound is attached, my ???? Version and current encapsulation are in the collection next to the originals.

asked Jul 13, 2018 in Using Kyma by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
Arithmetic / numbers = numbers. duh.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Charlie,

When you created the user-defined class, are you sure that the Input parameter is set to type: Sound?

Is this one behaving the way you wanted it to?

answered Jul 14, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Amazing, yes, this is exactly what I expected.
My problems were two fold:

A) Potentially not setting the source correctly
B) During the ???? Process, it had not occurred to me that you could enter !messages as well as values. As the STGC entered output value was a number not a !message, it produces the error. My encapsualtion had worked, but my parameterization was incorrect. The answer was right infront of me, but I refused to accept the truth.

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