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Morphing kick drum and wood drum pitch issue

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Dear forum members,

I am trying to create a Kyma Sound to morph between a rhythmic phrase played on a wood drum and an 808 kick drum. Both phrases are the same lenth.

However, when morphing between the two sounds the change is far from seamless, with many artifacts.

Also, it seems to me that the 808 kick is pitched down one octave from its default pitch, although I have checked and the pitch in sumofsines is the same as in the spectrum file info window. Would this be due to the fact that the spc file of the wood drum contains 256 partials, whereas the spc file of the 808 kick is 128 partials?

Any hints about how I could do this morph more cleanly would be very much appreciated.

A dl link with the Sound can be found here :

Thanks in advance!
asked Mar 9, 2019 in Using Kyma by koenraad (Practitioner) (330 points)

1 Answer

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You're right, when using nonharmonic analyses and sum of sine resynthesis, the source and destination of the morph should have the same number of partials.

Each morph is unique but some general tips might be: line up the source and destination in as many dimensions as possible. Then morph the closest and smoothest way. In the case of rhythmic phrases, it's essential to line things up in time as precisely as possible (otherwise, you have anomalies like a drum hit in one phrase morphing to a silence in the other). Have you also tried the TAU editor for aligning and morphing the two phrases?
answered Mar 9, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)