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i asked the following question (pasted below), which you kindly answered, but i still can't find it

if i do a research with ctrl b, it wont give me anything


thank you so much for your attention,







Your question on Kyma Q&A has been answered by roland-kuit:

The sound is called: Peaceful Moroder + Levee Break + Harmonizer (Try Presets) Organ, ModalFilter, Guitar noises

You will find it in the map: HMM Rhythmic Patterns.Kym

Your question was:

peaceful moroder + levee break + harmonizer

If you like this answer, you may select it as the best:

peaceful moroder + levee break + harmonizer - Kyma Q&A

hello i was wondering if someone could point out how to find the circular sequencer we see in the ... much godot

Thank you, Kyma Q&A

asked Dec 31, 2019 in Using Kyma by pierre-alain-bouvrette (160 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Hi Pierre-Alain,

The sound is normally in this folder  : Kyma 7 Folder\Kyma Sound Library\Scripts, constructors, sequencers & composition\Patterns from MIDI files

HIs name is :  HMM Rhythmic Patterns.kym

When you do a search : Peaceful with Sound name anywhere you must find it.

answered Dec 31, 2019 by samy-bardet (260 points)
Thanks, Samy!
@Pierre-Alain, this is a video with some more details on how to search in the Sound Browser (Samy was suggesting to search by Sound name for 'Peaceful')
0 votes

Hello Pierre-Alain,

Is it this one?

(I accidentally found it today while I was looking for something else, by searching the Sound Library for Sound class HMM. It is in Kyma/Kyma Sound Library/Scripts, constructors, sequencers & composition/Patterns from MIDI files, inside the Sound file named HMM Rhythmic Patterns.kym)

answered Dec 31, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)