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Wacom tablet not working in Kyma 7+

+1 vote

After I switched to Kyma 7+ my Wacom Tablet (Intuos BT Small) is not working with my sounds. In previouse version of Kyma everything worked fine, and now it just works as cursor and no !Pen or !Button controls.

All the system and Kyma preferences are set as they should (from the documentation) and I am running the latest drivers. Kyma 7+ coonects to my Pacarana via the expansion port B with Mac mini (2015) running Mojave .  

I could always switch back to older Kyma version, I only find more convenient the ethernet connection.

Does anybody encountered the same problem and found a solution?


asked Apr 6, 2020 in Hardware & Interfaces by robert-pravda (Practitioner) (310 points)
edited Apr 6, 2020 by robert-pravda
... in meanwhile back to good old K7
I haven't had any success lately with my Wacom tablet. I'm not sure when it stopped working and started behaving as you describe. I've tried every version of the Wacom drivers that has been mentioned or recommended. At one time, using the Wacom Tablet Utility to remove preferences for my user worked but it's not anymore. I'm open to trying anything since I really enjoy the Wacom functionality. SSC, what model are you using?  Mine's an Intuos 3 with the Kyma X overlay on it, and I know that's quite old, but it's worked fine until recently.

I should add that I've been using the FW connection with Kyma 7+ on Catalina.
I am using the cheapest and smallest model Wacom Intuos BT S. Just !Pen X,Y, Z and two buttons. No angle or rotation measurements. In Kyma 7 It works very good through USB or bluetooth connection.

4 Answers

0 votes
Hi Robert,

No problem here with the Kyma 7+ and my wacom tablet.

answered Apr 6, 2020 by samy-bardet (260 points)
Thanks for the reply! Strange that when back to Kyma 7 everything works. I have the same settings in 7+ and no success, my Wacom controls just my cursor.
+1 vote
Hi Robert,

I have an Intuos 3 and an Intuos 5 touch. Both work fine with Kyma 7+.

Have you tried to connect the Pacarana both via Ethernet (Expansion port B) and fireware at the same time? Osculator for example only works over firewire (so I always connect the Pacarana with both cables) so maybe this could solve your problem?

Best wishes,

answered Apr 7, 2020 by franz-danksagmuller (170 points)
Hi Franz, Thanks for the tip. I didn't use Osculator at all. Wacom tablet is supported natively by Kyma. Now when you mentioned it, I will try it out. Though me moving to 7+ was because of the possible bigger distance between the computer and Pacarana.

... just tried with firewire and Ethernet connected, with and without Osculator. Still not working. I will wait for future updates maybe this problem will be solved, till then I will keep my Pacarana close to the computer with firewire.
Hi Robert, just to avoid any confusion: I do not use Osculator with the Wacom. It was just a guess that maybe the Wacom also needs a fire wire connection. You have also already checked all the options in the preferences- menu?
Hello Franz, i did check all the preferences a few times with no success. Same settings work in Kyma 7 but not in 7+, my pen is just controlling my cursor.
0 votes
Hi Robert,

I am on Windows 10 & using the Wacom Intuos 5.

It sometimes hapens to me when changing the laptop - Kyma connection between FireWire or Expansion port B,

I have to reinstall the Wacom driver. It works fine after this.
answered Apr 13, 2020 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)
Hi Roland,
Thanks for reply. I did it all, first reset the preferences with no success, after that I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers. Still no success.
Hi Robert,

Sorry for your trouble.
Except in Kyma, does the Wacom works fine in Windows?

Best, Roland
Hi Roland,
Though I never use it for anything else just Kyma my Wacom works fine with everything except Kyma 7+. I am using a Mac mini with Mojave os.
It works fine for now with Kyma 7. In the future I am planning to by a Wacom Intuos Pro because of Pen angle and rotation, maybe that will solve the problem. If not I'll stay connected with firewire.
All best, Robert
+1 vote

We’ve just uploaded a new version of Kyma 7+ that should help resolve some issues with Wacom and Apple security. When you have a chance, please download the new version (from the Help menu in Kyma 7+). Once you start the new version of Kyma, check Help again; it will ask you to download the new Kyma application. The DMG will give instructions for how to install the application.

Once you have the new Kyma application, please follow these guidelines for installing the latest Wacom driver and testing its functionality:

We have so far confirmed that it works with Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave) and Wacom tablet models PTH-451, PTH-860, and PTK-451. Older tablet models (Intuos 3 and older) may not work with the latest drivers. See for a list of compatible tablet models.

answered Apr 16, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Thanks for the update, wonderful all the drag and drop possibilities. Unfortunately the Wacom tablet is still not working here. I removed and reinstalled the drivers. Following all the instructions from the links You sent with no success, my pen is still just controlling my mouse.
Thanks from me, as well. I'll give it a try tonight and report back. I have an Intuos 3, so we'll see, but if I can get 7+ working with a newer model (yet to be purchased), I'll be happy.
Thanks again! I followed the steps with the latest drivers on Catalina, made sure the tablet driver and Kyma were enabled in Security/Accessibility but there was no entry under Automation. Unfortunately, it did not work as a Sound parameter controller in Kyma+ (tested with Pen Test all controls). I have a PTZ-430 (Intuos 3), which is not listed. It does still work in the OS in general.
Please download Kyma 7+ using the original link you received by email — the one you used to install Kyma 7+ the first time (contact us if you did not save that link). Thanks!
I just downloaded 7+ via the email link ( for first time installation ) and everything  works fine!!
Thanks SSC!
7+ via the email link did not work for me (Intuos 3). I've ordered the PTH-860 in the meantime.
The PTH-860 is a dream to use. Thanks!