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Scrubbing and jumping positions from the memory writer's recording buffer

+1 vote
What’s the best method to scrub the audio and jump positions of the sound recorded on a memory writer?

I’ve been using the SampleWithTimeIndex Sound for this but I get so many erratic behaviour on timings that I’m starting to think that I’m using the wrong module for this..

I don't think I fully understand the different time fractions taken from the main duration and the relationship with the Rate.. but perharps there's another factor I'm missing here when using the time index with memory writer?

So I would be pleased to be enlighted with your suggestions


asked Aug 10, 2020 in Sound Design by eli (Adept) (1,130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
For a scrubbing effect, you could try this:

• Select a sample in the Sound Browser

• Disclose the Gallery & click the Gallery Button

• In Sources, play Scrub Control

• Control the amount of scrub-effect by adjusting !ReleaseScrub

If this is the effect you are looking for, you could edit the Sound and copy the 'scrub' TimeIndex input to the SampleWithTimeIndex, and use this as the timeIndex for your buffered MemoryWriter recording.
answered Aug 11, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Many thanks for your answer SSC

My question was referring to scrubbing and jumping positions to the recorded buffer of a memory writer.

The gallery generated five results:
Three of them using the TimeIndexForFileName,
one using a sample module with a loop set on the LoopStart and LoopEnd points,
and finally the Scrub Control, which it acts more of a dj scratch FX stopping the playback.

My intention is to set loop points and jump positions on the fly while playing back a recorded buffer from a memory writer but with no interruptions of audio playback.

The TimeIndexForFileName does exactly what I want but using sample files, not using the buffer from a memory writer.

For some reason, I am not able to get the same behaviour when using the TimeIndexSound to read the audio from the buffer of a memory writer than the results I get when using the TimeIndexForFileName and sample files with 'fixed duration' from my computer's drive.

Instead, I get constant interruptions and delays of the playback when changing the loop points within the buffer of the memory writer.

Even when setting the Rate to 1, the pitch and duration of the audio gets affected.

Sometimes, when I reduce the values for the LoopEnd point and the Rate substantially, I am lucky to find a looping window that ' works' but if I change the value of the LoopStart position I loose the playback of the sample completely..

So I believe that the relationship between the Main Duration,  the loop points, and the Rate Control set for the TimeIndex and the memory writer's buffer behaves differently than when using a TimeIndexForFileName and a 'fixed' sample file.

Could you please advice on how could I achieve similar results when using memory writers if possible?

Thanks again,

Are the TimeIndexSound Rate, Start, EndAttack, StartLoop, EndLoop, StartRelease, EndRelease, and End points, fractions of the maximum time assigned to the Memory Writer or to the TimeIndexSound set Duration??
Okay, well it seems that the loop points refer as fractions to the main time set to the memory writer and not to the duration set on the TimeIndexSound.
That was my confusion..
So when I scale/multiply the value of the loop points by the main duration, and then divide the result by the total time (max time) set on the memory writer, the parameters now behave as 'they should' :)