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Second Layout on Second VCS

+1 vote
Is there a way to set a second and different layout to the main one on the Second VCS?

So let's say:

Layout number 1 on Main VCS

Layout number 2 on Second VCS


asked Oct 14, 2020 in Using Kyma by eli (Adept) (1,130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
If you're using a Timeline, you can create a marker and select a layout to show in the secondary VCS when the time cursor crosses the time of the marker.

In the Multigrid, you can use the Gear menu to specify a layout that should be displayed in the secondary VCS whenever the Multigrid is played.

If the Sound is not in a Timeline or Multigrid, open the Secondary VCS (from the File menu). Right click in the background of the secondary VCS and select the desired layout.
answered Oct 14, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
That's brilliant,

Right click in the background.. that was it! :)
