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iPad 12.9" version 2 -Kyma Control Screen Size

+1 vote

Hi All,

I have a iPad 12.9 and for some reason the VCS page of the app only occupies the top left of the screen. It is about the size of a normal ipad (9"). Is there any way to expand of scale the VCS to occupy the full screen? All the other pages such as Pen and Keyboard all fill the screen as expected. Hope you can help 

asked Dec 28, 2020 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by simon-smith (Adept) (1,200 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Simon,

In the just-released update to Kyma, there is an updated option in the Appearance Preferences to control how the VCS is laid out on the iPad. Please try choosing your iPad model from the list and see if that causes the VCS to use the full screen of the iPad.

answered Dec 29, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
0 votes

This is fantastic thank you so much!!

For others from Version 7.8F0 (28/12/20) if you go to Preferences and then Appearance you will see this drop down


Then your ipad 12'9 or equivilant will look like this:

Happy Holidays!!

answered Dec 29, 2020 by simon-smith (Adept) (1,200 points)