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from fw to ethernet

0 votes


after years of using fw, i think it's time to switch to ethernet ...

after connecting cables, should I just start program as usual or I must first install K++?




and happy holidays!!



asked Dec 25, 2022 in Using Kyma by samuel-sacher (Practitioner) (590 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Happy Holidays!

If you have Kyma 7+ already installed, then it should just work (after you connect a gigabit Ethernet cable to Expansion port B on the Pacarana). Otherwise, you may have to update to the latest version of Kyma 7+ for Ethernet.

If you are using macOS 11 or newer, then you should install Kyma 7++ (which is universal for Apple Silicon and Intel Macs)
answered Dec 26, 2022 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
Great, thank you!!