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Fake Keyboard Polyphony

0 votes
Hi all,

Is there a way to press more than one key on the Fake Keyboard? I can only use it via mouse and only one key at a time..

asked Jan 8, 2023 in Using Kyma by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
For quick keyboard tests, I typically use Kyma Control on the iPad. That gives you a choice of multi-touch (for polyphony), continuous vs discrete pitch, rounded on key-down, "strum" modes and choice of standard keyboard or Tonnetz layout. (Also good for quick tests of pen & tablet-like controls, a multi-touch VCS, multigrid, and accelerometer controllers).

Another possibility is the free macOS app Keyboard Keyboard which could control the Pacamara via USB-C.
answered Jan 9, 2023 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Thank you!
It would be great if we could have a modifier key (shift?) that would allow us to select more than one pitch on the Fake Keyboard tool..