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Sounds are not saved

0 votes

Since I have a new computer, Kyma rightly asks me about the storage destination for samples. After I have reassigned the samples and saved them (yellow arrow is no longer visible), I will be asked again to assign the corresponding samples the next time I start the program.

Why is that?

Many thanks in advance, Martin
asked Jan 23, 2024 in Using Kyma by martin-stehl (Practitioner) (330 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Martin,

It may be that, since moving to your new computer, you haven't yet updated the Frequently Used Folders setting. In Kyma, under the Edit menu, select Settings. Click Frequently Used Folders. Locate the folder where you've stored the samples, select it and click Add.

Please let us know how it goes. Thanks!

answered Jan 23, 2024 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Many thanks, that worked perfectly!
Always helpful :-)