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Clock source when using SCP USB

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I run my APU connected via SCP USB to Metric Halo LIO8 3D hardware. It is very convenient. But Kyma never has shown the LIO8 as a clock source, and the LIO8 does not allow following a clock from SCP USB.

Are they in sync? I have noticed that at 96K, there seems to be clock sync dropouts. Any solutions to this?
asked Dec 20, 2024 in Hardware & Interfaces by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)

1 Answer

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The Pacamara uses the audio interface as its clock source. In Kyma, it will display whatever the USB audio interface presents as the clock source choices. If the DSP window in Kyma shows "Internal" it means that the LIO8 is not presenting any choices for the clock source (or that they do not publish a name for the clock source).

I have noticed that at 96K, there seems to be clock sync dropouts. Any solutions to this?

Can you please test whether this might be an out of realtime issue by switching to the built-in 3.5 mm audio outputs temporarily?

answered Dec 20, 2024 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I dont think it is OORT , but I would love to be certain that the LIO8 is correctly presenting the source. Certainly , I can see that Kyma does not change when LIO8 changes. Should it then? I will write to Metric Halo and see what they say.
When you change the source sample rate, it does not update until you play another Sound in Kyma.