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What is the correct way to work with Split Stereo files in Morph1DSampleCloud?

0 votes

I am not able to succesfully work with split stereo files in the Morph1DSampleCloud, could you guide me to the correct procedure?

I have created split stereo files using a batch tool. They have ' .L' and '.R' as their extensions. When I try to load a folder full of split stereo files into Morph1dSampleCloud Kyma cannot lcoate the files, no matter what I try to choose to help it locate them. Am I doing something incorrectly?


asked Oct 6, 2015 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The file types don't appear to be correct.  Every other one looks like a text and the other ones don't seem to be sample files.  You could try adding the .aif extension to the filenames but that may not be enough.  How did you create these files?
answered Oct 6, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I created them using the Kyma RecordToDisk sound. I designed a batch process that splits an interleaved stereo and then renames and prints the mono files from each branch. I tried adding WAV after the .L and Kyma still doesn't recognise them in the Morph1DSampleCloud.

On the other hand, the prototype called playSplitStereoFile has no problem loading these files just as they are (but one by one)
0 votes
Dear Cristian and SSC,

I would recommend to use the platform independent Broadcast WAVE file format with correct file/type extensions:



This is used for "Split-Files" or so Deinterleaved Broadcast WAVE files.

OSX assosciates the .R suffix with BBedit because .R is offen used for textfiles.

Windows might associate .L .R with a totaly differnt application.

I remember from back in the MacOS 7-9 days that  .L - .R "Split files"  extensions where mainly used for SD2 Stereo split files in Sounddesigner, ProTools, Soundminer, Digital Performer for example.

You might change your batch to export in WAVE and use the above naming scheme with the .wav suffix if you want to be platform independent.

Of course you can use AIF and WAV for Surround Multichannel audio too.

This would look like this (.AIF example from the Kyma X folder):


All the best from Berlin

answered Oct 8, 2015 by christian-schloesser (Adept) (2,920 points)
edited Oct 8, 2015 by christian-schloesser