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Does Kyma respond to polyphonic aftertouch

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To my ear it doesnt seem to but perhaps I am mistaken.

If so, was this the case in the latest release of Kyma 6?  The sound I am running is on the capy (and I am very happlily running Kyma 6 and 7 concurrently on the same computer!)  :).

If not I am wondering if I copy my aftertouch cc messages to another controller number if i could use something with the ?voicenumber  variable mapped to hotparameters in the local map feild of the MIDIMapper.   


asked Dec 9, 2015 in Using Kyma by rafe-mcdonald (Practitioner) (470 points)
retagged Dec 10, 2015 by rafe-mcdonald
Alternatively Is it possible to tell kyma to have each ?VoiceNumber increment its midi channel in the MidiVoice prototype?
Hi Rafe, what instrument (or software) are you using that sends aftertouch?  Can you send polyphonic key pressure instead?  Polyphonic key pressure is mapped to !KeyTimbre when you are not in MPE mode.
Yes cubase 6.53 does support polyphonic pressure.  I will look into cubase's documentation for implementation specifics.  

Really good to know that key timbre is mapped to polyphonic pressure in the global map by default

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