ASCII keyboard tool (keypad.pci)

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    keypad.pci is a Kyma Tool that converts the Qwerty computer keyboard into Hot Values inside Kyma. The two Hot Values are !KeyBoard and !KeyPad. This just lets you harness your ASCII keyboard as a controller with Kyma.

    The only note about keypad.pci is that the window needs to be highlighted (in front) in order to work properly.

    After download, all one needs to do is open the Tool (‘keypad.pci’) inside Kyma (File > Open) and start typing on the keyboard to output values. You may also double-click 'keypad.pci' to open too.

    Place !KeyBoard inside a Sound parameter field to get values from your ASCII keyboard.  !KeyPad will get values from 0-9 on your keyboard.

    The only note about keypad.pci is that the window needs to be highlighted (in front) in order to work properly.

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