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What can I do if my Paca is not responding?

0 votes

I have asked this question in the old Kyma Forum but after some modification of my setup the problem is still present. 

I followed all Doug's advices. Furthermore I changed the cable and TC konnekt 24D so far -  but without any improvement. During computation of my multigrid paca is freezing and I get the error message " The Paca is not responding. Unhandled FireWire bus reset or FireWire error. (22)" .



asked Feb 3, 2016 in Hardware & Interfaces by knut-kaulke (Adept) (2,050 points)
Are you a Windows user? I had similar problems after my upgrade to Windows 10, had to go to the Microsoft site and download the Legacy 1394 drivers. after installation all the problems vanished.
no, I'm a Mac user

1 Answer

0 votes
Does this occur only with that particular Multigrid?  If so, then it may be something in that Multigrid.  Please send it to us by email so we can check it.  Thanks!
answered Feb 4, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Sometimes it occurs  with other sounds or Multigrids. all these files are very computationally intensive which normally makes the process out of realtime.
Strangely, my "problem" Multigrid  is working at the moment. I will contact you if a Multigrid/Sound freezes the Paca again.
so, it happened again. I've sent you the Multigrid.