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Where should I send a Multigrid if I think it has a problem?

0 votes
Hi, I have a simple multigrid. One column is a single processor (granular read with zero mem), and the second one has five or six synth sounds. It happened already twice that control over the grid got frozen. One synth was running, the control showed stopped state and did not respond to any selection, etc.. It did respond to play but jumped back to stopped state immediately, without affecting the playing sound. I could only stop it by quitting Kyma.

I need to test more, but I have the impression that the freezing happened when I clicked another (third) sound within the fade out period (which was set to 5 sec). I mean: sound A was running, then I clicked sound B, the 5 sec fade out started. But then I changed my mind and immediately clicked sound C (i.e. still within the 5 sec). I will test if this is reproducable.
asked Feb 24, 2016 in Using Kyma by tibor-pali (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
If you notice an unexpected behavior and you are able to reproduce this behavior, please send an email to support-at-symbolicsound-dot-com with a short video demonstrating the behavior and/or with an archive of the Multigrid or other file attached so we can reproduce the behavior and solve your problem.

Thanks for your help!
answered Feb 24, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)