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LFO - easiest way to add to a parameter or slider

0 votes
Let`s say I want the freq slider to move.

How do I do it?


Marius - noob
asked Mar 15, 2016 in Sound Design by marius-egenes (Practitioner) (390 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Marius,

The easiest way is probably copy-pasting the LFO prototype into the frequency parameter field. You might consider using a SoundToGlobalController as well if you want to modulate multiple things with the same LFO.

This (and much more) can be found in Kyma X Revealed and Kyma 7 Revealed ;)


answered Mar 15, 2016 by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
Thanks Gustav!
I´ll check it out.

hi Marius and welcome to Kyma!

I really can't stress more how important it is to read through Kyma X Revealed - Kyma is nothing like Ableton or MaxMSP and you will benefit greatly from approaching it as a unique expert system ( which it is ), learning the basics from the  guide written by Carla. It is not at all a "boring" manual , and in fact I learned a great deal about DSP, and computational music from this wonderful book
Thanks for the tip Cristian. It's read, but not yet understood.
Small steps:)