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what are reverse and retrograde options in product?

0 votes
I wonder what retrograde and reverse options are for. I tried the options but can't see any change.
asked Mar 17, 2016 in Sound Design by malcolm-braff (Practitioner) (770 points)

1 Answer

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For the most part, Retrograde and Reverse affect only TimeOffset Sounds.  They are a "legacy" from early versions of Kyma, versions prior to the introduction of the Timeline (when one could implement Timeline-like behavior by introducing TimeOffset and SetDuration modules).  These days, you can safely ignore those parameters for the most part (though they are preserved for compatibility with older files).  At some point, they will probably disappear, so please don't create anything that relies on them.
answered Mar 17, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)