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Can the FormantBank be used with SPC files that are non harmonic?

0 votes

I was trying to resynthesise using the FormantBank prototype but seem to get no results when I use a live spectral analysis (harmonic or non-harmoinic) or an analysis file which is not a harmonic analysis. Does anyone else get that behaviour?
asked Mar 25, 2016 in Using Kyma by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,460 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

The FormantBank algorithm assumes harmonic spectra (so it can track the fundamental frequency).  If you open FormantBank (preferred) from the Prototypes and replace the Spectrum input with LiveSpectralAnalysis-Harmonic, you could  use that as a starting point.

answered Mar 25, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)