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paste-paste special

0 votes
So it seems that these two commands switched functionality.

Is this on purpose ? and if so is there a chance we could get a shortcut for paste special ?


asked Feb 28, 2015 in Using Kyma by greg-grigoropoulos (Practitioner) (820 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

This is on purpose, the drag & drop function also changed: When holding Ctrl you get a copy otherwise it will be the same Sound.

If you happen to work on a mac you can make the shortcut yourself as described here. I guess there is a similar option for windows too.



answered Feb 28, 2015 by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
Hey Gustl,
had no idea one could create shortcuts like this in OS X.
Great tip !
Yes, very handy :) BTW could you rename one of the Oscilloscope / Spectrum analyzer, SSC? They have the same name in the File and in the Tools menu and therefore can't be accessed with shortcuts.. Thanks :)