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Zero crossing / transient detector prototype?

0 votes
Is there any kind of zero crossing counter/detector prototype?

I found Pete Johnstons Zero crossing on the old forum, but it didn´t work.

Edit: This is what I'm thinking of. Would be very very sweet (first post)

asked Mar 28, 2016 in Using Kyma by marius-egenes (Practitioner) (390 points)
edited Mar 31, 2016 by marius-egenes
Great!  What did you come up with?

3 Answers

0 votes

Using the Equality or Threshold prototypes you can detect a zero or a zero-crossing in the Input signal.

What would you like to do with that information once you've obtained it?

answered Mar 28, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
It might be something like an attack detector I´m looking for. I just want it to trigger samles or other processes. I´m looking into it.
Are you making something to jump to arbitrary transients in response to crossing a threshold (as described in the forum thread)?  Or do you just want the first half: being able to detect transients in real time as the input is playing?  There are many ways to detect a transient, if that's what you'd like to make.
0 votes

Hi Marius.
I hope SSC doesn´t mind me posting this information here...

We have recently developed and published an advanced transient detector Class (aka prototype) as part of the Spectral Lab suite at NeverEngineLabs.

* New Class: Spectral TransientDetection
When used on the amps of the spectrum you can extract gates indicating transients.
An exceptional approach is used to eliminate the effect of volume and frequency at the input. When using AmplitudeFollowing you usually run into these problems: The threshold needs to be set according to input volume and low frequencies usually contain way more energy than high ones. This is not the case here, the transients are rather detected by looking at certain changes in the spectrum independent of volume and frequency.

* Added ‘Spectral TransientDetection.kym’
Two examples showing the new class: The first one uses the detection to trigger a Multisample to let Kyma jam along; the second one uses the detection to control a StepSequencer.

Available at

answered Mar 29, 2016 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)
Thanks for the offer, but I bought a Paca with Kyma 7. That should be enough.
Sure thing - best way to learn is to have something to focus on.
0 votes
One quick way to get a transient detector is to open your sample in the Wave Editor.  Create a Gallery with Rate, Players, and Modifiers checked.

Under Modifiers: Sources: Spectral Processing, open the first Sound (named 'Noise/Tonal Gate' followed by the name of your original sample).

Adjust TransWidth_Effect and Threshold_Effect until you hear the transients only.

Once you have a signal that includes only the transients you could put it through a threshold to trigger other actions based on when those transients occur.

(Alternatively, you could experiment with AmplitudeFollower followed by a Threshold, or BrightnessFollower followed by a Threshold to do your transient detection).
answered Mar 29, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Thanks again for good tips!