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Is there a difference in live analysis processing delay, if different response type is selected?

0 votes
I was experimenting with parallel realtime spectral analysis.

I know that different Partial counts result in different delays, as described in the Sound description of the LiveSpectralAnalysis Module....but I wondered if the 'Response' setting when set to BestTime or BetterTime causes a shorter or longer delaytime through the module, than the BestFrequency and BetterFrequency responses. It sounds like they are slightly different, but I can't quite work it out...
asked Apr 27, 2016 in Sound Design by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
No, the response does not change the input-to-output delay.  Each "response" specifies a different type of analysis filter; each filter has a different impulse response which may explain the differences you say you are hearing.  Each filter offers a different trade-off between time smearing vs frequency smearing.
answered Apr 27, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Apr 27, 2016 by cristian-vogel