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How do I use a USB (ASCII) footpedal (or keyboard) in a Capytalk expression?

0 votes
I'd like to use a USB footpedal (ASCII, not MIDI) as a trigger for Kyma. I would guess there already is a forum post addressing this issue, but I can't find it.
asked May 20, 2016 in Using Kyma by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,220 points)
Hi Mark, do you have a manufacturer and part number for that pedal so we could look it up on the web?  Thanks!
It's a very generic unit. The only label on the device is this:
  USB Foot Switch (FSI-P).

It simply types the letter "b" ... like this:

bbbbbbbbbbbbb     ;-)

I suppose another way to ask the question would be how do I use the letter "b" on my computer keyboard as a triggering device.
Would you like it to act like a trigger?  Or a toggle?  Or a gate of a specific duration?  A trigger would change to 1 for a brief instant.
A toggle would be more like a light switch: first press would switch it on; second press switches it off.
Gate would require that you set a duration so it stays on for, say 1 s and then turns off.

1 Answer

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Here's a little Tool that watches for key presses.  When it sees the letter 'b' it sets an EventValue named !Trigger to the value 1.  One second later, it resets to 0.  The Tool has to be in the foreground to receive the key presses.

answered May 20, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
Thanks! It's a little cumbersome (having to open it separately and keep it on the top level), but it works as described. And it's good (for my current purpose) that it doesn't reset until 1 second after the pedal is released. I may want to reconsider and go with a MIDI foot pedal...