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What is the JumpToEnd parameter of the MultisegmentEnvelope doing?

0 votes
There's no description for it and I was wondering what it is doing...

asked May 24, 2016 in Using Kyma by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
If the envelope is looping when the gate goes to zero, the envelope jumps to the end of the loop and then decays (rather than finishing one more loop and then decaying).
answered May 24, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
selected May 24, 2016 by kymaguy
Is this MultiSegmentEnvelope, and the other MultiFunctionGenerator type prototypes generating Sample Rate functions as output?
Yes, they are Sounds.  All Sounds output at the sample rate. (Constant and SoundToGlobalControl also output at the sample rate, though they change value only when the expression or Sound you put into it changes.  There is an output from those Sounds on every sample tick though).
Right, yes thats of course one of the core awesome things about Kyma. But I wanted to double check that this wavetable, from GraphicEnvelope or MultiSegmentFunctionGenerator, was in fact sample accurate and interpolated so that we can rely on it not to quantise when used as a window
If you are looking for a window function for spectra, these would not be appropriate  — not because they aren't operating at the sample rate, but because they are designed as one-shots, rather than the periodically repeating functions you would want to use as a window function for a spectral stream.  For that, I would recommend using InputOutputCharacteristic with an OscillatorTimeIndex as the Input.  It gives you live break point functionality in a periodically repeating function.