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Wacom As Matrix of Toggles (not saving as Presets)

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I've altered SSC's script, "O Box o' lighted-buttons (2D)" to create a matrix of toggles for the Wacom tablet.  The trouble I'm running into is that these toggles (sw01, sw02, etc) do not save as presets. I think they are being overwritten by the Script each time. Saving presets beforehand and recalling them make no difference. I've uploaded my Sound as reference (requires a Wacom to get working).

Anyone have a solution to using the Wacom as a matrix of toggles that saves presets?

asked Jun 24, 2016 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by jonbellona (Adept) (1,360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Jon, if you get rid of the asToggle in the Script and use a TriggeredSoundToGlobalController (in place of the SoundToGlobalController), setting the parameters as:

that will give you the behavior you expect, and you can save presets.

answered Jun 24, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)