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Is it possible to add increment and decrement buttons to a fader?

0 votes

I've got a fader which I'm using to select a sample (out of 101 samples).

It's handy to drag the fader quickly up one end or to the middle but with 101 settings it is fiddly to try and select a setting precisely.

I've tried creating Incrementing and Decrementing buttons to nudge the fader up or down by 1. Everything I've tried so far will increment and decrement the fader's value but effectively disables the fader to be used directly.

I tried using the SoundToGlobalController with Value parameter like:

!Fader + (!Increment switchedOn) min: 101

I wondered if that was being continuously evaluated and constantly setting the fader which is why I couldn't move it. So I then tried using the MultiplexableSoundToGlobalController with these parameters:

GeneratedEvent  !Fader

ActiveWhen  !Increment switchedOn

Value  (!Fader + 1) min: 101

And this seemed to do the same - made it impossible to move the fader directly.

Is it possible?

asked Jul 4, 2016 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

with 101 settings it is fiddly to try and select a setting precisely.

Would it be easier to jump to the desired sample by clicking a radio button or selecting its name from a list?  To do this:

  1. Start with an auto-labeled fader (tic marks labeled with the sample names).
  2. Change the widget type by right-clicking on the fader.
  3. Change the widget to radio buttons (horizontal or vertical arrangement)
  4. Or change it to Select from list.

Since you have 101 sample names, Select from list may be a more space-efficient way to display them.

answered Jul 4, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
+1 vote

Incrementing / Decrementing Button Example  <- example sound.

SCC's answer is probably the best way of doing what I was trying to do.

But I still wanted know how to get some VCS buttons affecting other controls without locking them up. It's something I keep wanting to do and just couldn't work it out... until just now.

The answer is don't use the SoundToGlobalController (STGC) to do it. Instead use the TriggeredSoundToGlobalController (TSTGC).

Here's what I think is going on. The STGC is constantly evaluating what's in its Value parameter and asserting the value to the GeneratedEvent. So even if the Value is false (eg. !IncrementButton switchedOn ) it's still setting the GeneratedEvent (eg. !MyFader). Which will force the fader in the VCS to stay at the same value and not let me move it with the mouse.

The TSTGC on the other hand only asserts a value to it's GeneratedEvent when it's Trigger parameter is true. So it doesn't lock up the VCS and my incrementing / decrementing buttons work.

answered Jul 5, 2016 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)